Apostrophe abuse report!
Just got the Justice catalog. It's a store with cute clothes, etc., for tween-age girls. There's a shirt that I thought was cute with monkeys on it. Then I looked down the sleeve and saw "I LOVE MONKEY'S."
AGGGHHHH!!!! This drives me crazy!!
AGGGHHHH!!!! This drives me crazy!!
Labels: alarming rate of illiteracy in our country, apostrophe abuse
At Mon Dec 03, 02:56:00 PM,
elizabeth said…
I have a piece of my Snow Village that is a Law Office and on the side, it says "C.P.A's". C.P.A.'s what? It annoys me every time I see it.
At Mon Dec 03, 09:08:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe they left out a word - like butt - as in "I love monkey's butt" - I would like to see that on their $40 t-shirt!!! (Exclaimation point abuse!!)
At Tue Dec 04, 06:43:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
At Tue Dec 04, 06:50:00 AM,
Deana Nall said…
Carrie -- You multiple offender! That's OK. I won't turn you in. THIS TIME.
P.S. I do love monkey's butt.
At Tue Dec 04, 04:00:00 PM,
SG said…
They meant to say "The CPA's are in" but ran out of ink in their itty bitty pens.
Literacy is so over rated! :)
You seem to have several fans, or at least comments, from Waco!
At Tue Dec 04, 04:45:00 PM,
Deana Nall said…
Actually that still wouldn't get it because CPA's is possessive so the CPA would have to own something. Like the CPA's Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
I love Waco but I seem to only visit when a hurricane is headed toward my house. Which isn't likely to happen in Arkansas.
At Tue Dec 04, 06:09:00 PM,
elizabeth said…
We can always hope for a tornado in your neck of the woods!
C.P.A.'s restless leg syndrome?
At Tue Dec 04, 06:53:00 PM,
Wade said…
Hey D,
You beat me to the punch with a post I had in mind about this very topic.
I call on a doctor who has hanging in his office a sign that says, "Employee's Only"!
A doctor! You would think a doctor could grasp the very simple concept of apostrophe usage!
I'm going to sneak in my camera phone and take picture of it the next time I'm there!
Stay tuned!
At Wed Dec 05, 01:21:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Deana! Come to Waco to see me. I get bored here! But it beats the crud outta Baytown!
At Wed Dec 05, 01:25:00 PM,
sarahdawn said…
I'mjust happy to know I'm the only person who read that and thought they surely just left off the word butt. I mean, what else could follow monkey's and make sense? No one says monkey's arm or monkey's left toe. Clearly Monkey's Butt is the only possible solution.
At Thu Dec 06, 10:18:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Have you read Eats, Shoots, and Leaves? You'd really appreciate it...
Love you!
At Thu Dec 06, 01:27:00 PM,
Stephanie said…
Paige beat me to my comment. Read Lynn Trusse - she validates my righteous indignation and makes me laugh!
At Fri Dec 07, 07:26:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Definitely read Lynne Truss. She aims her righteous indignation at this very phenomenon, these so-called "greengrocers' apostrophes" (or, as has been jokingly suggested by some, "greengrocers apostrophe's").
I really hope my browser's character encoding is right, or the above is going to look really illiterate.
Jeff W (Amy D's hubby)
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