
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Where's George?

We've been in the new house for almost a week now. Here's Julia reading to Jenna the other night in Jenna's new big-girl bed. (Which is actually Julia's old big-girl bed.) See the color on the wall? That's "Tinkerbell," and it was painted by Chad and our friend who probably doesn't want to be named. But get him high on paint fumes and hey, who knows what he'll do. Anyway, they also painted Julia's room, and Chad has pictures, but I promised I wouldn't post them here because he wants to put them on his blog. (I've been in trouble for picture-stealing before.)

Here's Jenna waking up on the morning we moved, which means it was the last morning we would get her out of her crib. The crib is now in pieces in our new garage. And you know what? I'm OK with that.

In other news, my friend Linda in Germany sent me a one-dollar bill with written on it. You go to the web site, enter in a bill's serial number, and -- as long as future recipients of the bill log in to the site and record the bill's whereabouts -- you can track the bill's journey around the country. Or in my dollar's case, around the globe. I think I'm sending it on to my dad next. He really gets into this type of thing. Oh, you can enter as many different bills as you want, and you can even set it up to have an email sent to you whenever there's any activity involving one of the bills you entered. I think it's kinda cool.

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  • At Mon Mar 05, 05:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hooray for the big-girl bed! Does she like it? My five-year-old is counting down the days until the baby can be in a big-girl bed, because she wants her to move into her room, and then they can get bunk beds, and she can sleep on the top one...

    Wow, I used to get whrere's george bills ten years ago when I was stuck in retail-hell jobs. Good to know one can still find out where george is!


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