
Friday, January 07, 2005

Messy Headaches and Fat Pink Babies

I'm rather anguished about some things today that I can't blog about. So I'll just leave you guessing. And me anguishing. It has to do with the whole thing about ministry being messy. You could say I'm neck-deep. Ministers' wives aren't allowed the usual vices for dealing with this kind of thing so the other day I ate a truckload of chocolate. Then I got a two-day headache. Something else over which to anguish, but different than what I was orginally anguishing over. I guess that's what vices provide. A sick, but welcome, distraction. Oh, I'm all about giving it to God, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stay calm about it. People who really know me know I'm a little high-strung. But to the glory of God, of course.

On a much happier note, I took Jenna for her four-month check-up today. She's fat and pink and happy. She's also 27 inches long. The doc said she has never even seen a six-month-old that's that long, let alone a four-month-old. And she's just over 14 pounds. And did I mention happy? She even smiled between her shots. Later at home, she's sitting in her exersaucer and quite audibly fills up her diaper -- without taking her eyes off the TV screen. That's one thing I love about babies. Even when nature is calling -- screaming, even -- they don't forget what's really important. Today, "Arthur" was more important.


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