Hamster Rights
I'm not exactly a fan of Bill Maher, but I love this quote of his:
"Gay marriage won't lead to dog marriage. It's not a slippery slope to rampant interspecies coupling. When women got the right to vote, it didn't lead to hamsters voting. No court has extended the Equal Protection Clause to salmon."
"Gay marriage won't lead to dog marriage. It's not a slippery slope to rampant interspecies coupling. When women got the right to vote, it didn't lead to hamsters voting. No court has extended the Equal Protection Clause to salmon."
At Sat Oct 29, 07:11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
There's a story in the Bible where people are allowing a man to commit adultery and aren't doing anything about it. They're not applauding it, not condoning it, but are putting up with it. Paul was infuriated by this behavior. He said Jesus was angry about it. I think this applies here. It's not that it would hurt us, or how few their are, it's the fact that we, as Christians, shouldn't put up with this type of lifestyle. Just my opinion. We're all entitled to our own.
><>In HIM<><
At Mon Oct 31, 08:50:00 AM,
sarahdawn said…
The very gray, very dashed line between tolaerance, acceptance, and support is a dangerous one. Ultimately we must each make our position-decision based on scripture and prayer. We approached all topics with that same practice.........
At Mon Oct 31, 07:56:00 PM,
Kyle said…
My opinion on the topic is much more complex than this, but it would also stir controversy I'm not prepared or willing to create. Therefore, I'll just say this. Until the Religious Right starts trying to ban non-Christian heterosexual marriages I cannot think of all this as anything other than ignorant, gay-bashning and discrimination techniques. After all, if marriage is a religious institution, what's the difference between a union between two men that is not recognized by God and a union between a man and a woman that is not recognized by God. Leave them alone and worry about your own marriage. It's tough enough.
At Tue Nov 01, 01:35:00 PM,
MDH said…
Of course other distortions of marriage (ramant divorce and promiscuity) are not pleasing to God. We should speak out against them as well. Not use their pervasiveness as an argument or excuse for another sin.
At Wed Nov 02, 08:00:00 AM,
Sarah P said…
Good one MDH. The existence of one doesn't make an allowance for another.
It's missing the point to say that a marriage between a man and a woman who have no personal faith is the same as a homosexual marriage. That is an abuse of the "sin is sin" theology.
A heterosexual marriage, regardless of faith, is still a union in the sight of God; though the couple may not treat it as such and end up in divorce or sexual sin. A heterosexual marriage of two individuals who do not believe in God has the opportunity to be transformed through personal belief in Jesus Christ.
A homosexual union will never be a holy union because the individuals within the marriage would be choosing to live in a constant state of sin without repentance. Yes, sin is sin. But repentance is required for all sins, whether it be homosexuality or lying, and to live within a homosexual marriage would be to commit sin without ceasing or consideration of repentance.
If the two individuals within a homosexual marriage are to become Christians they have to obey the "flee from sexual immorality" command. Much like heterosexual Christian marriages have to abstain from the sexual sin of adultery, etc. because of their belief, the homosexual marriage would be forced to separate out of obedience to the call of Christ.
A homosexual marriage could never be considered a union in the sight of God. And though it will obviously not lead to "dog marriages" (to quote Bill), it will always be a blatant disregard for the commands of Jesus. Therefore, I cannot in good faith be tolerant to or vote for the legalization of homosexual marriage, regardless of a homosexual couple's ability to pay taxes or behave as law-abiding citizens.
At Tue Nov 08, 07:40:00 AM,
Toppooch said…
Another quote for you Deana, for those uninclined to crack open their minds the slightest, tiniest bit.
"Being tolerant does not mean that I share another’s belief. But it does mean that I acknowledge another one’s right to believe, and obey, his own conscience."
- Victor Frankl
When I was younger, perhaps I would have taken it upon myself to assume I know the heart of all sinners. I would assume all gay people in relationships were non-repentant. I would assume that they arrogantly lived in sin with no regard for God's will. I might even assume God frowned on them more than He did me.
Of course I'm older now. My mind is open enough to realize that we all struggle with sins. Sins we often continue to commit even though our hearts and minds continuously offer prayers to God to remove or help us overcome. Some of us commit these same sins day after day. It doesn't mean we don't repent and aren't sorry. It doesn't even mean we aren't trying to stop committing them.
If I had been in a same sex relationship before, perhaps I would say that every single day I woke and asked God to forgive me and to help me live as He wanted. Perhaps I would still try to find happiness on this earth in the midst of my internal conflict. Perhaps ...
One more quote ... "I marvel at the aim of some sinners when given a stone." - Annabel Battistella
At Wed Nov 09, 09:13:00 PM,
Kyle said…
Matt n Sarah, I totally see your point. But, I'm not saying that we should excuse homosexuality, I'm saying that we should give them the right to free choice as to who their going to spend the rest of their lives with. They deserve the right to sin, if that is in fact what it is, if they choose. They have the right to believe that it isn't a sin at all. They deserve the right to live in a society that isn't going to deny them the rights other couples have based solely on a religious principle. They deserve the right to make these choices, and not to have people like me make it for them: someone who has no clue what their heart looks like or how it feels to have the world tell me that I'm wrong for loving the person that I love.
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