
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Twilight Zone

OK -- I'm having one of those "Mommy can do it all" moments. I'm at the computer, Christmas cookies are in the oven, and both children are on the living room floor playing QUIETLY. This is so bizarre -- I'm not used to this.

Anyway, tonight is Bunco night. I'm making the drive to LaPorte, which is difficult for me to do alone since my friend Jennifer and I used to drive together. She loved this time of year, too -- she was one of those moms who went overboard making Christmas extra fun for her kids. I always wondered why Christmas carols petition for "comfort and joy" -- maybe for those people who find that stuff hard to come by this time of year. I want to go to her grave but I feel weird asking her husband where it is. The graveside service was just for family.

I saw Jennifer's 6-year-old daughter running up to the school building the other day with the biggest smile on her face. I don't know how the whole afterlife thing works exactly, but I hope Jennifer could see her. I hope she died with the peace of knowing her girls were going to be OK.

Now to get out of this Bunco group plays for money. Yep, that's right. A minister's wife GAMBLING. I felt weird about it until I won $20 the first time I played. I haven't looked back since. So tonight I'm hoping for BIG MONEY!


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