
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Vanishing groceries

I really will get to Love of My Life #4 this week. I have to use Chad's laptop, which is only here in the evenings, so my time online is limited.

I was wondering if anyone has seen my red plum jam. I bought it at the store yesterday, came home, put everything up, and it's not here. The same thing happened a couple of weeks ago with bananas. I've never had groceries disappear on me before (except in Abilene 8 or so years ago, when Chad and I found a carton of eggs in the trunk of the car a week after we bought them. Boy, they sure tasted funny after that.). So should I just start buying two of everything and hope I make it home with one of them???


  • At Tue Dec 06, 01:14:00 PM, Blogger Kelley said…

    Your red plum jam and the bananas are at the home of the lost sock monster from the dryer. I'm wondering if I've ever heard of a red plum jam and banana recipe? Perhaps that lost sock monster was needing a little appetizer for a Christmas party!
    Thanks for your blog. I love reading it. It lightens my day by making me laugh. That's a wonderful gift to have. Thanks for sharing!

  • At Tue Dec 06, 01:41:00 PM, Blogger WinSpin said…

    You know, I think I ate some of those eggs over at your place one day.

    And the missing food may come naturally ... I went for a hamburger "to go" one night in Abilene. It was for my roommate who was busy studying. There was only enough money for one hamburger and the money was his. When I got back to the dorm I couldn't find the hamburger. Returned to the cafe. They didn't have it. To this day I know not where the hamburger went.
    My roommate thinks I ate it but I know I didn't.
    Anyway, food has a way of vanishing.

    WinniePhew --

  • At Tue Dec 06, 03:04:00 PM, Blogger sarahdawn said…

    If you ever happen upon your jam, please let me know if you find a box of Splenda keeping it company. One "went missing" here many months ago. Now whenever something is missing we say it has gone "the way of the Splenda."

  • At Tue Dec 06, 08:19:00 PM, Blogger elizabeth said…

    Today, I was at HEB, and I saw a woman pushing a cart to her car and a package of toilet paper on the ground that had fallen out of her cart. I yelled to her but she didn't hear me. I would have run after but I was wearing 3 inch heeled boots so what's a girl to do? I guess she will be in a simular quandry when she gets home!


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